Tuesday 29 June 2010


Monday 28th June 2010

Yesterday (Sunday) was another scorchingly hot day, and in the evening I tried another 5 mile run of my new favourite route. But minutes into the run I knew it wasn't going to happen... it was way too hot, my knees were saying "please, not again!" and basically my whole body was protesting like a whiney toddler! Typical me... trying to do too much too soon. Fair enough - I would give myself a day off.

So the following evening, having kept nicely hydrated during the day, I set off for a different location, hoping to catch some cool breezes off the Medway estuary at St Mary's Island.

It was a beautiful evening, the sun low in the sky and sparkling off the water, and I set off in high spirits, aiming for 4 miles. The walkway was buzzing with runners, cyclists, dog-walkers and lots of loved-up people! I never know what the "etiquette" is when passing other runners... to make eye-contact or not, to smile or not? Generally I try to assess whether the runner looks friendly or not, and make tentative eye-contact and a slight smile, if it seems appropriate! After about 5 minutes I passed one of my running friends, Hannah, also out for an evening run, coming towards me and we quickly exchanged greetings and news, neither of us slowing down!

I made it to the end of my podcast and checked my distance - exactly 5 miles - how weird! A good start to the week, and I felt I had redeemed myself after my disastrous attempt yesterday evening.

Distance run (in miles): 5.0
Total distance this week: 5.0
Total since starting blog: 24.7

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